Company / Over 220 years of history

Over 220 years of history

It is 1794 and Pietro Gavioli is Mastro Cantiniere of the Marchesi Molza with a cellar in Solara di Bomporto. Since then we have embarked on a long journey in time together with Lambrusco. A journey that continues today, thanks to respect for tradition and love for the fertile lands of Modena.

The processing methods, heritage of our ancestors, supplemented by the modern technologies we have available, give us wines with inimitable characteristics. Passion and attention to detail both in the vineyard and in the cellar are expressed in each individual bottle.

An entrepreneurial family, Giacobazzi, from this territory decided to develop this exhibition area; where one can speak of the traditions and history of this land. This family has indeed been collecting artifacts and materials over the years for this precise purpose.

The walls of the place that houses the Wine Museum display the tale of a centennial story. The museum has always been used as a wine Cellar. Its hallways and rooms, some of which were used as vats for the grapes, have been symbolic of the economical heart of Nonantola for years now
The current site seems to have wanted to keep in touch with historical time. Nonantola. Here, at the gates of Modena, the Benedictine monks were the authors of a book, a unique episode, in 1480: they stopped time on paper.
And the Abbey that rises here with a rarefied beauty is a splendor that has stopped the time like wrapping it in an autumn mist

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